Consumer credit and Buy Now Pay Later
Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) services are expanding rapidly in the USA. Why do consumers use it, and how? What are the risks?
New book: Transformation Dynamics in FinTech
The fintech industry has transformed immensely over the past decade. Where do we go from here? A new book, ‘Transformation Dymanics in FinTech’, explores the past and future of our burgeoning industry.
New report for the Fintech Diversity Radar
Finthropology are proud to have contributed research and analysis to Findexable’s new report for the Fintech Diversity Radar, “Diversity for Growth”. The report explores why gender diversity remains an issue in finance and fintech, why it matters, and what can be done to create a more gender diverse finance and fintech sector.
Episode 5: Getting to the roots of gender and financial exclusion
Why does the financial gender gap persist today? In this podcast we compare notes on our research projects: David Wallace and Natalie Raja (NMD+) have carried out research with women in the UK, and Anette Broløs and Erin Taylor (Finthropology) have been interviewing women in Switzerland.
Young people and the digital finance hustle
On social media cryptocurrency is often associated with images of wealth and sex. Why would young people want to consume this kind of content? Why are they attracted to the crypto-hustle? Dr. Alexia Maddox explores how a combination of precarity and the lure of power shape money culture around young people.
Episode 4: Family money with Dr. Kate Sieck
In this episode we talk about how financial matters affect the lives of families. Joining us is anthropologist Dr. Kate Sieck, who is based in California. Kate's career has spanned academia, the private sector, and the nonprofit world - all of which have given her a unique look into how families navigate finances.
Is money social? And how?
How is money social–and how do we provide financial solutions to serve social money issues? Anette Broløs explores our desires to make social decisions about money, and looks at some financial services on the market that help us do just that.
Episode 3: Financial feelings with Dr. Leda Glyptis
In this episode of the Finthropology podcast we talk with Dr. Leda Glyptis on the terror and joy we all experience when making financial decisions, and how the industry might help us better manage our financial feelings.
Why should financial service providers cooperate with universities?
Working with the best and most recent knowledge is key to managing in the competitive and fast changing environment of today. Dr. Anette Broløs explains how financial service providers can benefit from working with universities.
Episode 2: Money culture with Dr. Allison Truitt
Welcome to the podcast of Finthropology, a company delivering insights into people’s financial behaviour. In this episode I talk with Dr. Allison Truitt, author of the book Dreaming of Money in Ho Chi Minh City, about what money culture is and why it matters.
The future of finance is ecosystem-centric
Customer-centricty is growing strong in financial services. But is it enough? The ability of financial service providers to offer great services is limited by external factors such as the economy, environment, fraud and service complexity. How should we think about the future of finance?
Episode 1: Creating a financial industry fit for a human world
Welcome to the podcast of Finthropology, a company delivering insights into people’s financial behaviour. In this episode I talk with Dr. Anette Broløs and Dr. Alexia Maddox, both Associate Consultants at Finthropology, about what it means to create a financial world fit for humans, and how the industry can go about it.
Financial account-ability: reflections from the Response-ability Summit 2021
Most of us approach the future in unproductive ways: we either see the future as being doomed (it’s too late to fix), or we assume that all our problems will be solved by technology. How do thought leaders in sustainable finance approach building a better human world?
Do Australian women need their own financial services?
In Australia there is a small but growing number of digital financial services aimed at women. Why might women need or want these services?
Designing feelings into financial services
We are often advised to put our emotions aside when making financial decisions, but behavioural research shows that this is impossible. Fortunately, today there are an increasing number of financial tools on the market that factor emotions in.
Why emotions matter for financial wellbeing
All people have emotional relationships with their money, and these emotions play a critical role in our financial decisions, mental health and general wellbeing. What would happen if we took our feelings seriously?
Finthropology partners with findexable on the Fintech Diversity Radar
Finthropology is proud to announce that we are partnering with findexable on their Fintech Diversity Radar project. Launching in 2021, the Fintech Diversity Radar will be the world’s first global platform gathering progressive data on women in fintech.
Announcing Finthropology—bringing the human into finance
I am delighted to launch Finthropology, a consultancy specializing in insights into people's financial behaviour. The name 'Finthropology' brings together two of my passions: finance and anthropology.